Purchase & Acquisition
There are only 2 ways you can grow your rent roll:
- Organically through excellent client service and hard work
- Purchase rent rolls from other Agencies
Both are viable strategies, depending on your risk appetite and how quickly you want to grow your business.
If you can grow your rent roll organically with your processes and systems in place, then that is a win for your business. It means you haven’t had to outlay any cash, you aren’t paying interest on finance, and you are steadily growing an asset that is completely unencumbered. However, it is a much slower path to growing a larger, stronger rent roll.
If you have a thriving business with a strong rent roll, you may find that you have the processes in place to absorb a competitor’s rent roll into your own. You can deal directly with other Real Estate Agencies to discuss a potential rent roll purchase, or you can meet with a Rent Roll Broker who can connect you with Agencies that are selling rent rolls that meet your criteria. This is a much faster path to growing your rent roll, albeit not without its challenges.

We can help you purchase a rent roll by leveraging your current asset and financing against both it and the incoming rent roll. With the help of your accountant, we can structure the rent roll purchase in a tax effective way, whilst meeting the cash flow needs of your business.
Want to know how it can be possible for your business?